Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What color are your toes?

Er, toenails, to be more precise.


Besides the fact that this writer is in desperate need of a pedicure, I have wondered what people do when they get a rejection. Even as I chatted with friends, I put forth an idea to help make it easier and now it won't stop running around in my mind. The more I think about this, the more it makes sense (but that could just be me, I am a little warped at times, lol). Wonder what you think about it.

We celebrate like mad when we get a request, very short edits on a draft, and (yippee) that big sale. We break out the dancing shoes, eat that Godiva chocolate or do something really awesome. But what do we do when we get a rejection, or even a poor contest score? We lick our wounds and hide out. It's human nature to throw ourselves a pity party.

I'm not saying to ignore those instincts. Self-preservation is a good thing. And hiding out can give us the time to develop a thicker skin so the next rejection doesn't sting as much.

I am proposing that we set a time limit. Tell ourselves we only have such and such time then we pick ourselves up, drag a brush through the snarls, take a shower and refresh ourselves to do it all over again. Then, I suggest we do something special for ourselves to help the improved writer move on. Make it something we look forward to doing and save it for our treat. The theory being that eventually our pity time will become less and less and we'll be ready for the next round. Who knows, we may even begin to send out more work!

What does this have to do with nail polish? Hang on, the convoluted thought processes that make up my brain are straightening out...

Nail polish. Oh yes.

I choose pedicures for my rejection reward. Even if no one else sees my little tootsies, I know when they are painted and it makes me feel prettier, more confident. They are dressed to the nines and if I need to remove my shoes (never know when someone needs a foot model) they will be ready to face the world--just like the writer in me. And that's what this is all about, right?

Think I'll make up for past rejections and go paint my toes now.

What do you think of "Passionate Plum?"



Ciara Gold said...

Nail Polish, eh? Too funny. Yep, I love pedicures, but lately I tell them no polish. Why? Cuz, it's the devil to get off and I don't go as often as I would like. But - I love pink. Yep, pink toes.

Nichole Ellis said...

LOL, pink is darling!

I don't do my fingernails often, but gotta keep those tootsies painted. My trouble is that in winter with them covered I forget how fun it is. So, this is my way of making sure I send out work and paint my nails, haha.

Hugs and thanks for stopping by!