Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Bright & Sunny Day

For once the rain clouds have cleared out. Here in the Midwest we have seen so much water lately, it's quite a relief to see the sun! The most lovely news is that it's supposed to be sunny all week, nary a rain cloud in sight.

After spending some time with the family today (hopefully outside), I hope to work on Touched. I have a goal to get the first draft finished by mid-September. I am using a new route (as mentioned in previous blog posts) and made a plan using two-different books...The Novelists Boot Camp by Todd A. Stone, and First Draft in Thirty Days by Karen Wiesner. In the past wrote first, figured it all out last. Alas, I'm not that great a pantser. LOL

Hope your Sunday is as wonderful as our weather. Take care of you and we'll chat later.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Nichole--
Thanks for picking up a copy of Novelist's Boot Camp--I hope it helps. Here's a couple of hints--
-- go to and look around on the site, then download the battlemap and any of the presentations you find--they're all free, and they may help you make sense of the writing process.
-- Do NOT try to read all of Novelist's Boot Camp and then get on with your writing--just read the Sections on acquiring a novelist's mindset, invention, and development--finish that work, then delve into drafting...then the revision section after your first draft is done, and so on...
Good luck -- let me know if the book helps you make progress!
The Novelist's Boot Camp guy